There are a vast number of recruiters in the financial field that say they can help college students get jobs at major institutions when they graduate. This is not always the case. Recruiting is a tough field but it can seem much tougher for the people they are trying to help. Some recruiters are extremely professional and keep you informed at each step in the process while some go off the map after the first conversation. In the end if a person is trying to go through a recruiter to find a job they need to sometimes leave it up to chance, because it all depends on how well the recruiter will lobby for you at the institution you are trying to get into. It can be a tiring process going through a recruiter but if it pays off it can be well worth it.
Another way to find a job is to build a social resume. Some employers might be curious and go online to find out a little more about you, in this case it would help to have a social resume up to promote your ideas. A social resume does not necessarily have to be a list of your accomplishments but a string of your ideas comprised in a blog. It can also be in a format of what Brazen Careerist suggests, a list of comments in industry networks. Such a resume will certainly help employers know you better and whether or not you are a good fit for the company at first glance.
"Working with Financial Recruiters - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ"
"Brazen Careerist Launches Social Resumes – WebWorkerDaily"